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A Bolt Of Coffee

It was early in the morning at 4 am, everything was still dark and there was no wind. While I had drunk too much coffee and hadn't been able to sleep at all, it was time for my mom to wake up. She knew about my shenanigans by now and just shook her head at me in disappointment.

"I am going up on the roof, it's quiet at this time and I like to meditate," she said.

I looked at my mom and smiled.

"Well, you are right. We should go to the roof," I said.

She nodded.

Together, at 4 am in the early hours of one of the hottest nights of July 2021, we went to the roof. There were a few stars scattered around in the sky and everything was dead silent. It was eerily peaceful and suddenly, I had a brilliant idea.

In total honesty, it was something I had wanted to do for a very long time, but I had never gotten around to actually doing it. At that moment, I thought this was it. This was going to be the start of it all.

I downloaded Anchor and started my own podcast. I created a small trailer right then and there and even published it.

After that, it is vain to even imagine that I could sleep at all. The whole day I ended up being nervous, anxious, and asking myself why the heck do I always end up in these situations and wondered if I hadn't made some mistake. At one point, I even thought that the sky was going to crack open and a lightning bolt would hit me right in my heart, I am still not sure if I wanted that to happen so that I wouldn't have to do this or if I was scared that if I was hit by a lightning bolt, I would never be able to do this. Basically, I was extremely conflicted at this point as any other sane introvert would be.

Soooo, welcome to Humanity's Thread, yes I decided the name at 4 am along with the trailer. It was a choice between Homosapiens and Humanity's Thread and my mom chose Humanity's Thread and now it's stuck.

To be extremely honest, I am a noob in all this right now, so I know I am going to be making mistakes and I will be learning as I grow this, or maybe this won't grow and this whole idea will be a flop, although fingers crossed, I am still grateful that it all started, that I tried and in the future, I won't regret never doing something that I wanted to. To everyone who is thinking of doing something, who ends up researching stuff for hours, thinking about doing it.

Don't think.

Don't plan it. Yes, it is good to have a plan most of the time but sometimes, you just have to do it for it to happen because we can spend hours and hours of thinking and planning and never be satisfied with any of it and make ourselves back out of it but you never know what lays ahead of you.

Just do it.

And that's it.

Just go ahead and put yourselves out there.

I am making this and I am still thinking, what if this won't be a success? What if people don't like it? What if they don't like me? What if all of this goes to hell?

I am thinking why would anyone even want to hear my personal experiences or my thoughts? Why do I even matter in this world?

And the thing is, these doubts are never going to leave me and I can only try to answer them honestly and accept the fear. It is to accept the fear and still move on.

Yes, people might not like me but I would have tried this, I wouldn't look back from ten years in the future and think what if I had done this? Where my life would have lead me then? And I will only start to matter when the world knows that I exist and the world wouldn't know that I exist if I don't tell it that I exist and it won't ever happen if I don't share my life with the world.

Leaving all those confusing words behind, all I mean to say is it sometimes it just takes a brilliant stroke of courage and fear of lightning bolts to start it all.

A warm welcome to Humanity's Thread and if you enjoy listening to me and reading my posts, then don't forget to follow my podcast, you can easily listen to it on Anchor, Spotify, Pocket Casts, and soon other apps, you can also subscribe to my Website - "Humanity's Thread" to always know the behind the scenes and making of the Podcast. You can also contact me through my email - if you want to share some of your ideas and perspectives. Soon, the forums will also start and you can easily talk to me, and everyone else through them.

Stay tuned!

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